Introducing the Noodle Note Stand

Revolutionary upright note technology.

Noodle Note Stand on Desk
An excruciatingly specific product for excruciating people.

The Noodle Note Stand

Expertly crafted with our favorite Field Notes® Memo Book in mind. This notebook stand finally solves a problem no one asked us to solve—providing the most-correct desk viewing angle for your daily notes.

Featuring an expertly machined notch to make sure your note book is snuggly in place, regardless of what page you are on.

An artisinally crafted wooden base, with additional weight and low center of gravity for heft. This stand will stand firm where you put it.

The most correct viewing angle for ergonomic use. Say goodbye to neck strain.

Verified customer testimonials

The most-correct viewing angle for ergonomic use. Say goodbye to neck strain.

"The Noodle Note Stand by Noodle Design is by far the best notebook stand I’ve ever used.”

Joseph Krzemienski

Co-founder, Noodle Design

"Hey, when can I get one?”

Riley Hearn

Co-founder, Noodle Design

Up-standing craftspeople at work.

Crafting the Noodle Stand
Stand close up
Revolutionary upright note technology

Helping solve humanity’s biggest problems, one note stand at a time

At Noodle Design, we know that real change is usually incremental and cumulative. So, we created custom notebook stands to slightly improve your note-taking experience. Our stands are designed with your needs in mind, providing a comfortable and ergonomic solution for handwritten notes. If capturing and reviewing information is a little easier, what other small change might you make that sets you on your way to the next big one?